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Home Physical Therapy for Seniors.
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Home Physical Therapy for Seniors.
Home Physical Therapy for Seniors.
Home Physical Therapy for Seniors.
Home Physical Therapy for Seniors.

Physician Referrals

Thank you for referring your patient to the rehab specialists at
Home Physical Therapy for Seniors.

Our Top 10 Commitments to Patient Satisfaction

  1. A functional index screen will accompany all initial requests for orders to evaluate and treat your patient, showing that physical therapy is “reasonable and necessary” under Medicare guidelines (CMS transmittal 63).
  2. Receive quality assessment data from The Outpatient Physical Therapy Improvement in Movement Assessment Log (OPTIMAL), developed by the APTA and recommended by Medicare as a measurement instrument to document objective, measurable physical function in patients.
  3. Participation in Medicare’s Physician Quality Reporting Survey (PQRS) and Functional Limitation Reporting. 
  4. Evidenced-based treatment interventions (Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, APTA)
  5. 1:1 treatment for your patient by the same licensed physical therapist--not an assistant or aide--throughout their episode of care, ensuring ongoing reassessment and continuity of care.
  6. In-home safety assessment/fall prevention awareness included in your patient’s plan of care.
  7. Assisted device/adaptive equipment recommendations as needed.
  8. Prescription pads and patient education materials for your office.
  9. Family/caregiver training to augment patient care.
  10. Task-specific training where it matters most - in your patient’s own home.


       Outpatient Orthopedic Physical Therapy in Your Home

Therapeutic exercise
Fall Prevention
Electrical Stimulation
TENS units
Lumbar mechanical traction
Cervical Mechanical traction
Pre-operative patient education/
assistive device training
Gait training/stairs
Balance retraining
Transfer training
Paraffin treatment
Joint mobilization
Pre- & postsurgical rehabilitation
Neuromuscular reeducation
Postural exercise
Range of motion exercise
Moist heat
Cold packs
Pain management
Shoulder pulley
Body mechanics education
Manual therapy
Home safety assessment
Functional training
Home exercise program
Therapeutic massage

Downloadable Prescription


To refer a patient to us online, please complete and submit the secure interactive form above.  If you wish to speak to a therapist before referring a patient, please call us toll free at 866-4-HOME-PT (or 401-536-4117)
